ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Tree Manager Dialog

The Tree Manager dialog is used to:

  • Create new trees

  • Determine which trees display and the order in which they display

  • Modify trees

  • Delete trees

  • Save tree settings

Opens when you click the Open Tree Manager icon in the Items dialog.


Provides options for creating a new tree:

  • DGN — Creates a new tree from an existing DGN drawing. Opens the Open a Repository dialog, in which you can set options for defining the properties of the new tree.

  • Custom — Creates a custom tree. Opens the Open a Repository dialog, in which you can set options for defining the properties of the new tree.


Saves the changes to the trees and/or the tree order. You can reposition the Active tree, but after you save, close, and reopen the Items dialog it will appear first in the list in the Tree Manager dialog.


Deletes the selected tree from the list. All trees can be deleted except the default tree.

Move Up

Moves the selected tree up in the order.

Move Down

Moves the selected tree down in the order.


Displays all available trees. All trees that are checked on display in the Items dialog.


Lists the type and location of the current repository. Clicking Change allows you to edit the existing repository.


When creating a new DGN tree, this option displays after you define the configuration of the tree and close the Open a Repository dialog. When you click Define, the Search dialog displays allowing you to define a query in which to search for item types to display in the new tree. When you click Clear, the search is cleared.

Display Options

Display Option



Group types by library

Groups item types (class types) according to the library in which they are defined. Item types are managed in libraries. Items in a DGN file may be defined in different libraries.


Group by item type

Groups by item type. You can turn this off so that the items in the file display at the top level, without any grouping.


Hide groups that contain no items

Hides groups of item types that have no items associated with them.


Group by subtypes

When grouping by item types, all item types display at the top level by default. It is possible for an item type to be derived from another item type. For example you might have an item type called Valve which defines the properties common to all Valves. However, the library may contain subtypes of valve such as Gate Valve, Ball Valve, and so on. These subtypes inherit the common properties defined by the Valve Item Type but also include properties specific to that particular subtype.


Group related items by relationship type

Groups related items based on their relationship type. Items in the DGN file can be related to other items. You can navigate this hierarchy by expanding an item to see related items.


Show “hidden” item types

If off, hides item types used by the Browser that provide no business value to the user. These should remain hidden unless you have a specific need to display them.


Show all related items as children

Natural Hierarchy identification is based on the EC (engineering content) relationship’s strength and direction parameters that are used to connect EC instances. This option is used to choose whether or not the tree should follow the Natural Hierarchy. If on, the tree ignores Natural Hierarchy and shows all available relationships. If off, the tree follows the Natural Hierarchy rules and shows relationships depending on the relationship’s strength and direction.


Maximum number of items

Maximum number of items you want displayed in the Details dialog.



Applies any changes made in the Tree Manager dialog.


Closes the Tree Manager dialog and returns to the Items dialog. If changes are made and not applied, you are prompted to save the changes before closing.